XL810: what's new
XL810 - real-time data for production and performance management
What's New With XL?
The XL810 is amazing value for money as there are no expensive ongoing software licence fees or lease payments. As a result payback periods are unrivalled.
It is also a living, breathing, and continuously improving product that does have updates that are available.
The newest software (version 2 and higher) runs on an entirely new platform. Here are the latest release features.
To see more detail and images of these new features, go to the News page. Click here
To see a video of these new features, go to the Videos page. Click here
XL810 Version 2.20 (Jan 2025)
Click here for description and screen shots of new features and changes
Click here for videos that take you through new features and changes
XL810 Version 2.19 (Jun 2024)
(Click here for videos that take you through new features and changes)
Reclassify Counts
Retroactively reclassify counts, which is most commonly used to reclassify some good counts as rejects. This is especially valuable for companies that have post-shift inspection and QA. Simply adjust your reject counts (by their associated reject reasons), and XL automatically evenly distributes reclassified counts throughout the selected part run.
HTTPS on Your Local Network and Fully Qualified Domain Names
While XL has always used HTTPS to communicate with the XL Enterprise Cloud, XL can now use HTTPS within your local network. Related to this you can now assign Fully Qualified Domain Names to XL devices, meaning you can access it by name, not the IP address
Archive Reasons
Maintaining a highly curated and focused list of reasons is easier than ever because you can now archive reasons. Archiving a reason prevents it from being used for new events but ensures it will still appear in historical reports.
New Software Notification
The App Bar at the top of the web page has been updated to ensure you won’t miss out on any valuable new XL features. The new cloud icon alerts you when new software is available.
OS Updates
A LOT of work under the covers has been done that you can't see, but will love, to enable easier, faster, and more robust updates to both the operating system and the XL application software.
Start Shift Endpoint
You can now start Shifts via the XL API without needing a configuration token. This makes it easy to integrate external time schedule systems with XL.
XL810 Version 2.18 (Sept 2023)
(Click here for videos that take you through new features and changes)
Revised App Bar
Improvements to widgets on custom dashboard pages
Ability to modify "Production State" historically
Ability to build simple custom auto email reports in XL Enterprise Cloud
XL810 Version 2.17 (Sept 2022)
Custom Email Reports (with Multiple Work Centres)
Customize shift reports that are emailed to you directly to you from XL Enterprise. Plus, you can easily include data from multiple work centres.
Filter by Enterprise Dimensions
One of the most highly requested features is filtering by Work Center.
In this release, we added filter dimensions for Site, Area, and Work Center. These filters can be used when creating custom dashboards and when analyzing production data with built-in reports such as Advanced Analytics.
Chart Widget Time Units Control
Change the granularity of time while viewing charts with a simple click of your mouse. This is a great feature for jumping between levels of detail. Go from fine-grained detail (Hours to Shifts) to the big picture (Days to Weeks) with a single click.
Ordinal Shift
The ordinal shift is a brand new XL dimension that automatically numbers each shift within a production day (e.g., "1st Shift of Day"), which makes it much easier to align shifts across work centres
Scoreboard Blank Lines
You can now configure one or more lines of your XL scoreboard to be blank. Simply go to Settings > Scoreboard > Fields, and choose <Blank Line> from the top of the Fields dropdown.
XL810 Version 2.16 (April 2022)
Improved Dashboards
You can now add the Andon widget to dashboard pages.
You the past, dashboards were limited to three fixed-format sections: One Column, Three Columns, One Column.
Now, you create dashboards with any number of sections, and you can also:
Andons - You can now add the Andon widget to dashboard pages.
Charts - Making charting easier. Simply select your metrics and dimensions, and XL automatically generates a “best practices” chart for you
Enhanced Tables - Include a totals row. Specify the number of rows to show. Arrange columns with a drag-and-drop list, and more
Event List comment search - search across all comments for a work centre within any time range you select.
KPI Groups - The KPI Group widget has a new look and lots of new functionality through four live controls.
Under The Hood
Part Configuration - Part configuration just got easier with import and replace, as well as applying changes to currently running parts.
Views and Page visibility - navigate to any view and choose: Whether it should be used as the page or device default, Who can see the view. Who can see the page
New Metrics - Speed and Rate - Speed measures how quickly parts are produced while actually running. Rate measures how quickly parts are produced while the process is expected to be running.
XL810 Version 2.15 (December 2021)
Improved Dashboard Layout Tools
In the past, dashboards were limited to three fixed-format sections: One Column, Three Columns, One Column.
Now, you create dashboards with any number of sections, and you can also:
Configure each section with any of eight different column layouts.
Use the new floating toolbar to add a new section, move or delete an existing section, and choose between the eight different column layouts.
Add a collapsible heading to any section to further structure your page.
Drag-and-drop widgets to easily rearrange your dashboard layout
Top Losses Widget
Another big one. Top Losses is one of the most popular features and now it is available for dashboards as well. That means you can integrate Top Losses into your own custom reports.
Rank and display your Top Losses and choose to show any combination of Lost Time, Occurrences, Loss Percentage, Trend (within the selected time period), and Change (compared to the previous time period).
Top Losses is also now enterprise aware. You can choose to combine work centres and see aggregated loss data for the selected work centres, or you can choose to see losses for individual work centres.
Pivot Table Widget
Summarize. Cross-tabulate. Find Patterns
Pivot tables summarize and cross-tabulate data across multiple dimensions, which makes it easier to see patterns in your data. You can think of pivot tables as “pivoting” a dimension from being row-based to being column-based. It’s the same data - just a different presentation.
The key to the unique functionality of pivot tables is being able to specify any of the 19 XL data dimensions as columns. For example, you can show reject reasons, down reasons, or shifts (shown in the image) as columns.
Pivot tables are highly configurable with live controls as shown (from left to right): Enterprise, Time Range, Level, Row, Column, Metric, Filter, Sort, and Export.
Top Losses Attention List
Attention lists are a table feature that shows ordered sets of losses as miniature bar charts. Now top losses are available as an attention list. Show up to five top losses per row, where each top loss includes the duration, the type of loss, and the frequency (events, cycles, stops, or pieces).
Top Losses attention lists are great for improvement meetings, as they provide you with an information-rich view of the most impactful losses. Think of it as a menu of improvement options!
Event List Widget
The Event List widget organizes production information in a time-ordered list that is optimized for spotting problems and instantly exploring the underlying data. It’s a great tool for transforming data into action.
Start by selecting a data dimension for analysis, such as shift, part, or hour.
Next scan for problems. Event Lists leverage colour for report scannability and to ensure that problems leap off the page.
Then delve into the data. The three icons on the right of each event enable you to instantly explore:
Metrics (view summary metrics and pinpoint the primary sources of lost production time with detailed Six Big Loss analytics)
Rejects (explore the underlying reasons for poor quality)
Comments (get additional context from comments directly linked to the event or associated with the event time frame)
Improved Dimension Picker
The reformatted dimension picker makes it easier to select the dimension you need. Dimensions are now organized into three groups:
Enterprise: Includes asset-based dimensions like Site and Work Center.
Production: Includes dimensions related to the production process such as Shift, Part and Reject Reason.
Date and Time: Includes dimensions related to time.
We also clarified the distinction between two fundamentally different “types” of time dimensions: continuous time and date parts.
The Time dimension represents continuous time, meaning it shows you time as flowing from the beginning to the end of the time range chosen in the time range selector.
Other Date and Time dimensions represent date parts. Date parts extract part of a date, allowing you to see aggregated time periods for easy comparison. For example, you can choose Day of Week and see aggregated data for all the Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. within the selected time range.
Two-Week Time Schedules
Lots of customers have been asking for this one.
XL now supports two-week time schedules, with the ability to choose between 1 Week or 2 Weeks as recurrence patterns. This enables you to create multi-week schedules such as a version of the “Pitman Shift Schedule,” where four teams split two half-day shifts in a two-week cycle, providing constant coverage on every process.
Also included is a new option for an Empty Schedule that can be used to disable the time schedule feature.
Click this link to see more info including images in news updates
XL810 Version 2.14 (September 2021)
Rich Table Content
Four new types of columns that you can add to tables to increase the level of visual impact. Quickly compare and contrast information
Row Colour. Uses heat map colours to lift the visual impact of each row.
Attention Lists. Visualise key losses(down, changeovers, rejects) as mini horizontal bar charts within a table row
Metric Lists. Visualise KPI's for instant comparison. Choose from a carefully select list of 24 metric sets.
Comments. Integrate comments into tables
Advanced Table Sorting
Single or Multicolumn sorting
Advanced Limits eg sort by OEE for 10 part runs with the lowest OEE, or top 10 down reasons
Improved TPT and Timeline Pages
Wow, what a makeover. Timelines and TPT pages were always great, now they are next level "at a glance" visual on how your process is running
Add a new shift "Hour" strip with heat map colour, text overlays for important dimensions and metrics
New live controls for the table data below the TPT timeline, allowing selection of event/aggregated/hierarchical rows, as well as the ability to export this table of data instantly
Start New Down Event
Improved ability for an operator to manually start a new down event if needed with a new "Start New Down Event" barcode
Other Changes
Internet Explorer 11 Support is ending as Microsoft has started discontinuing support.
Elements are now renamed Widgets
Click this link to see more info in news updates
XL810 Version 2.13 (April 2021)
Capture and Analyse Comments
Instantly add comments to any event, such as a down event, changeover, or part run. It's easy. Just click on a chronogram event to add a comment.
For example, you can use comments to add details to a reason, describe how you addressed a problem, or capture an idea for a future improvement.
With the new View Comments page. Select a built-in view or search for one or more words, such as OEE or conveyor jam. Gain further insights and context with single-click access to a complete loss report for each event associated with a comment.
You can also create your own views. Focus on a specific type of event, review all comments that occurred during a period of time, or add filters to refine your view. Create views that align with your company policy, such as:
Part runs with OEE below 65%
Down events over 15min with no comments
Centrally Manage Work Centre Hierarchies
Manage the hierarchy of all the work centres you monitor with XL in one place – XL Enterprise. Set the portion of hierarchy that can be seen by each XL Enterprise user and from each linked XL device.
More Powerful Tables
Tables have been completely redesigned and are packed full of new features. Tables now include live controls, which are the fastest path between your imagination and what you see on the page. With live controls, tables update in real-time as you change their design.
New grouping options make it easier than ever to create event-based, aggregated, and hierarchical tables. Heat map colours provide the visual status of normalized metrics and make it easy to scan for areas that need your attention.
Advanced Filter Control
Refine your analysis with the new advanced filter control. Create complex filters with multiple dimensions and metrics. For example, create a filter to show all down events that are missing a reason and that lasted longer than 10 minutes. Or create a filter to show comments for all part runs where OEE was below 65%
Flexible Control Over Counts
You can now configure any digital input to suspend all count and cycle inputs. This provides a hardware-based mechanism for ignoring counts. For example, you may want to ignore all counts while running rework.
You can also configure any Planned Stop or Not Scheduled reason to ignore all counts or to categorize in counts as rejects. This provides a state-based mechanism for ignoring or recharacterizing counts. For example, you may want to classify all counts during a changeover as rejects.
Proxy Server Support
Now you can use your network proxy server as an intermediary between XL and XL Enterprise. For example, if your network firewall only supports static IP addresses, a proxy server can be used to provide DNS lookup and automatically manage connectivity to XL Enterprise. Make sure to let your IT team know about this one.
XL810 Version 2.12 (September 2020)
Heat Map Charts
Compare with colour. Instantly spot problems.
Using colour to visualize metrics is extremely effective for quickly spotting areas of concern – or areas where you are doing exceptionally well.
Choose from four different types of heat map charts: time (e.g., OEE over Time), dimension (e.g., OEE by Part), dimension over time (e.g., Utilization by Plant over Time), or dimension by dimension (e.g., Labor Efficiency by Asset by Team).
Powerful New Chronograms
We’ve packed them full of useful new features.
We have completely redesigned the chronogram – with a huge array of new features:
Stack multiple chronogram strips with different data dimensions to clusters to visually discover patterns in your data.
Use the new palette control to apply heat map colors.
Use the new text overlay control to show dimension values and up to three metrics per event.
and more
New Live Controls
The fastest path to dashboard perfection.
The KPI and Chronogram elements now feature “live” controls, providing easy configuration to customise your dashboard
Improvements for Changeovers
New reports. New options. We’ve updated the Changeover deep dive page to include:
New pareto chart of changeover reasons.
New hierarchical table of changeover reasons with drilldown into individual events.
XL also now includes an option to start changeovers via digital inputs to ease integration with other systems.
Manual Run Detection
Handy for applications with long cycle times. Eg Cutting, blending, mixing processes
For processes with long cycle times, it can often be better to control run detection from an external source running/not running signal, vs the normal count signal. Now XL provides three ways to externally control the run detector using:
Digital input (typically from a PLC)
Barcode scan (typically by an operator)
XL API (typically through integration with other applications and systems)
Detecting State After No Production
A subtle but useful improvement for operators.
When a break or changeover ends, there is often a short period of time before running production can be detected. XL now assigns a temporary production state to this time and displays “Detecting… Run or Down” on the scoreboard to let the operator know that XL is automatically detecting the state. As soon as XL detects that the process is running or down, the scoreboard updates with the new production state and XL automatically adjusts the underlying event.
Improvements for Reject Reasons
New reports. New dashboard functionality.
We’ve made reject reasons a full-fledged analytics dimension. This means they are available throughout the reporting interface, including custom dashboard tables and charts.
We’ve also added new out-of-the-box charts to the Quality Loss deep dive page, including the ability to analyze rejects by production phase, production state, and shift.
Additional Features
As always…lots of “smaller” improvements as well.
Discontinuous Events: If a changeover, down, or maintenance event (i.e., production) is split by a meal/break or meeting (i.e., no production) the two parts are now automatically treated as a single event.
Reject Reason API Support: You can now submit reject reasons with count quantities through the XL API to enable easy integration with other systems and applications.
Part Barcode Duplicate Scans: Scanning the barcode for a running part will now start a new part run for the same part. This enables running the same part twice in a row. It also enables changing part settings and having the new settings immediately take effect.
Scoreboard Format Options: You can now set the number of decimal places for cycle times (as well as percentages) displayed on the scoreboard, which is particularly useful for long cycle time applications.
Display Time of Day: There is now an option to display time of day on the scoreboard.
See more detail and images in the News section
XL810 Version 2.11 (March 2020)
Automated Shift Reports
Your team can now receive an instant end-of-shift summary report from XL Enterprise with key metrics, comprehensive loss information, and a summary of all part runs for that shift.
Enterprise-Aware Dashboards
With the addition of the KPI and KPI Group, all five dashboard elements are now enterprise-aware, which means they can show rolled-up data for any level of your enterprise hierarchy. For example, you can use a KPI element to show the OEE for a single asset, for an entire area, or for your entire plant.
Multiple Dimension Charts
Dimensions are descriptive values that refer to a qualitative attribute of production, such as the Shift, Asset, or Hour. XL includes twenty different analytical dimensions and now you can create charts that incorporate multiple dimensions. Eg: Down Time by Reason by Shift, OEE by Team by Hour.
Text Message Alerts
If your mobile carrier supports email to text message gateways, you can now choose to receive alerts (real-time notifications based on metrics, production state and targets) as text messages instead of emails. (charges may apply)
More Ways to Scan Parts and Jobs
Scan your existing work orders and product barcodes to start part runs or jobs, or with a mouse click, or via the XL API..
Import Jobs from Excel
You can now export jobs from XL as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, make any desired updates, and then import the updated jobs back into XL. It is easier than ever to quickly and efficiently configure jobs.
XL also supports direct integration with other systems and applications using the XL API. You can use this API to push information to XL (e.g., job parameters) or to retrieve information from XL (e.g., job metrics)
The XL API now supports triggering inputs. Eg forcing a down event
XL810 Version 2.10 (January 2020)
Automated Email Alerts.
Automatically send email alerts to key employees based on how your process is running. Alerts are delivered by XL Enterprise, which is a cloud-based SaaS application developed by Vorne as an integrated part of the XL platform.
Labour Efficiency Tracking
XL now calculates earned labour time and labour efficiency based on target labour times you define for each part. Instantly know if you are meeting or beating your labour standards.
Faster Reject Entry
Now XL makes this even easier with a new feature that enables operators to scan multiple rejects at once. Simply scan the a barcode for the qty of rejects followed by the reject reason to include them in the current shift and part run.
Improved Run Detection
Choose between cycle or speed based down detection.
Split Down Events
Scan the new Split Down Event barcode to separate one stop into a sequence of down events, each with its own reason.
End Events by Target or Running
XL now directly supports a new option for ending events, “By Target Time or Definitely Running”. Your event will automatically end by whichever occurs first.
XL810 Version 2.9 (June 2019)
Track and analyse Teams and Labour metrics.
​Analyse any of existing 100+ metrics by new team or labour dimensions. Use a new deep dive page for built in reports, or use them in your own custom dashboard pages ​
Simplified cycle metrics
​For easier understanding cycle metrics now focus on running and small stops. A new Equipment cycle is added to assist with cycle based asset care programs
Improved Top Losses
Now includes a KPI bar to give a quick summary OEE and it A, P, Q components
Filtering on Analyse Pages
New filtering ability on the Analyse deep dive pages. Filter data by Shift, Part, Team,Production Phase, Shift Hour.
Mobile Friendly Navigation.
Redesigned to work seamlessly with large and small device screens
XL810 Version 2.8
Andon Dashboard Page.
​See a real-time, highly visual picture of the current state of manufacturing.
Stacked Chronograms
Stack and compare multiple assets TPT across a synchronized timeline.
Native Excel Export
Easily export data directly to an Excel file. Export tabular data from any page or view, or create your own export formats using dashboard tables with any combination of metrics and dimensions.
Micro MES
Ability to configure jobs directly in XL and start them with a click of a mouse. Start jobs with barcodes, or by clicking a mouse.
Import and Export Parts
Easily add new parts and update existing parts. ​Import or export all part settings, such as Ideal Cycle Time, Takt Time, Down threshold, and Start with Changeover for up to 1,000 parts.
XL810 Version 2.7 and Earlier
Help Videos
Short and focused videos make it super-fast and super-easy to learn XL
Loss Report Tooltips.
Tool-tip includes a time analysis, count summary, OEE metrics, and Six Big Loss details
XL Enterprise
XL Enterprise is our cloud-based platform, and in this first release it delivers free software updates to your XL devices. You maintain full control. Decide if you want XL to check for updates automatically. XL loads updates in the background and you simply click to install.
Shift Hours.
Hour-by-hour boards are particularly popular in automotive and in lean manufacturing. We’ve brought the concept to XL by aligning hour-based reporting to your shift schedules.
Clear Selected History
One piece of incorrect information can erode trust in your data – so keep it pristine. If despite your best efforts, accurate data collection is compromised for a short period of time – clear out just the inaccurate information and make decisions based purely on pristine data.
Automatic changeovers made even simpler.
One screen for tracking changeovers. Associate a specific changeover reason with each part, a target time, and how the changeover should end.
Use Your Own Part Barcodes
Scan existing actual product barcodes to start production
Automatic Conversion of Down Events
When XL detects a short down event immediately before a changeover it now runs a quick analysis based counts, cycles, and down reasons, and where appropriate converts the down event to be part of the changeover.
Save and Share Pages
Create, save, and share Dashboard, Advanced Analytics, All Production, and Historical All Production pages with all of their settings so you can instantly come back to your preferred views.
Automatically Detect Startup Rejects
XL automatically categorises rejects that occur during changeovers and initial production as startup rejects (as differentiated from production rejects). You can configure the amount of time that is considered “startup” to best match your manufacturing process.
Metric Alerts
XL now alerts you when key metrics are out of their desired range. You can configure over 20 metrics (e.g., OEE, Efficiency, Down Loss, Cycle Loss, and Quality Loss), each with four ranges: Normal, Caution, Warning, and Critical. Metrics automatically change colour on the scoreboard and web interface based on alert status, and alert notifications are additionally delivered through the web interface.
Reject Reasons
XL now provides comprehensive quality analytics, with a reject reason logged with every rejected part. Reject reasons can be logged through digital inputs or barcode scans. An unlimited number of reject reasons can be configured and the resulting data can be charted, trended, and more.
Run Screen Configuration
Now you can configure your own run screen – in just seconds. An instant preview shows you exactly what the run screen will look like, including easy-to-change text labels. Each metric can be displayed in real-time for the current shift, part run, or hour.
Hidden Factory Metric
XL now includes a Hidden Factory Time metric, which measures the gap between fully productive time and all time. This gap includes all losses (including capacity losses), and represents how much production time would be reclaimed if you were running around the clock, making only good parts, as fast as possible, with no down time.
Organise information in whatever way works best for you. Create an unlimited number of dashboards from Chart, Chronogram, KPI, KPI Group and Table widgets. Create local dashboards for personal use or share dashboards with your entire team.